Brain Food for You!

Here are some of the videos we love and scroll below these and you will find a selection of the academic research we draw from in our programs. 

TED Talks & Videos

Amy Cuddy – Your body language shapes who you are


Kelly McGonigal – How to make stress your friend

Alan Watts – What do you desire


Dan Pink – Intrinsic motivation and autonomy




Hungry for more info?

Here's a small sampling of the research we have drawn from: 

Albert Bandura on Self Efficacy, 1977

LeanIn & McKinsey & Company "Women in the Workplace" 2015 report 

Carol Dweck, The Mindset of a Champion, 2007

Reuben, E. et al, 2011 on Male Overconfidence and Leadership 

Gender Diversity's Impact on Company financial performance, Credit Suisse report 2015



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