At the heart of success lies Confidence and Self-belief

Confidence is an essential ingredient for achievement yet surprisingly we’re rarely taught the tools we need to build or optimise our confidence. 
Our Science of Confidence programs and keynote presentations have been put together after extensive international research and all are underpinned by a rigorous and science-based framework. 

What our clients tell us is that they are particularly looking for ways to support and equip women to succeed in the upper ranks of their companies. 

The data shows astonishing differences in the ways women and men perceive their contribution and performance and the economic and personal consequences of this can be huge. Women make up almost half of the entire workforce yet the data shows businesses are not making the most of this incredible talent pool.

Our specially tailored programs for new managers and for women, incorporate rigorous but easily applied habits, hacks and tools to optimise an individual’s confidence and success. 

Typically our programs address:

  • What confidence looks and feels like
  • The different dimensions to confidence & how to deploy them
  • Identification of triggers for each participant’s inner critic and fear or anxiety
  • How to become more receptive to taking considered risks
  • How to build constructive new habits
  • How to deal with challenges in the workplace.